Saturday, February 23, 2008

Speaking of hards things needing restoration...

Last year my cousin, Scott, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I just this e-mail from his wife. I guess I am just asking for prayers for him and shannon (his wife) and their two little girls. Thank you. Bet

I have been putting off writing this email. I'm just going to make it short since I really don't want to write it. Scott had an MRI last Thursday. It showed that the latest go at chemotherapy didn't work. A doctor from Duke called me on Tuesday to tell me that they feel there is nothing left that is likely to have an effect on stopping the tumor's progression. They estimate that Scott has a few weeks of life left.

But we don't like to give up.

His doctor at KU, Dr. Sarah Taylor, has prescribed another chemotherapy that is in pill form. It is an older drug that has largely been replaced by newer, more effective drugs, but it was once the standard treatment for brain tumors. She said the chances are slim that it will be effective, but there's no reason not to try. This is the time, for all of you praying folks out there, to pray your pants off. That came out sounding weird but I'm not going to change it--I'm on a roll. Hope is hanging by a thread here. Life as I know it, as Scott knows, as little Emma and Claire knows it is hanging by a fine, precious little thread.

Think of us, pray for us, send your good vibes our way. We need your support.

If you would like to send a message for Scott, I would happily read it to him. I'm sure it would warm his heart to know he's being thought of.



Kim Adamson said...

This is really hard. I wish there was some way to help.

Heather said...

Been praying since I heard Bet.

I love you.
