Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Possible Prayer to use

Courtesy of Christine Sine
Words in Bold are words of the people, words in normal are words of the leader.

We are broken people,
Separated from God, isolated from each other, disconnected from God’s world

Lead us to repentance that we may pass from death to eternal life

Our bond with God is broken
We have hidden ourselves from the all loving, all caring, all embracing one

Lead us to repentance that we may pass from death to eternal life

Our bond with each other is broken
We are indifferent to the cries of dying children, the pain of the oppressed, the lonliness of the widow

Lead us to repentance that we may pass from death to eternal life

Our bond with God’s earth is broken
We have destroyed and polluted what we should have preserved, we have not been good stewards of creation

Lead us to repentance that we may pass from death to eternal life

The bonds withing ourselves are broken,
Our spirits are scarred and distorted by selfcentredness, green, violence and the worship of consumer clutter

Lead us to repentance that we may pass from death to eternal life

God in your mercy come to us,
Forgive our sins, heal our bodies, redeem our lives

Lead us to repentance that we may pass from death to eternal life.

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