Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm a bit late in posting this, but this passage made me think of restoration. It's from Shining at the Bottom of the Sea, which is an incredible book, all of you should read it.

bicycles. In little Harbour, there was only one bicycle, and it belonged to the telegraph man, who guarded it so closely that it slept under his bed at night. No one but he ever had a chance to ride, so when the boys of the town tried to steal it for joyrides, their adventures always ended abruptly. They didn't know how to balance. Aenea therefore had no direct experience of bicycles when she had to teach Christophle how to ride one. She had to learn to teach what she had never learned to do herself. It was a double victory then when Christophle's velocity escaped the need for her guidance. Joy! It can be done! We progress! We Progress!


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