Monday, February 4, 2008

Water Collecting

Many of you know that the thing I miss most about California is my tide pools at Little Corona.

Maybe that's why this project seems particularly appealing:
What's Your Project?Project #111
Take a sample of every body of water you visit. Put them in little glass bottles and label them with the day and place. It could be an ocean or a puddle -- what matters is that that unique collection of pollution, purity, bacteria, algae, and such is a little time capsule back to that moment in time. Sometimes, if there is no water available, run a tap and label that bottle "so-and-so's tap". I recently found an old bottle of mine labeled "Grandmum's house" -- from before she moved in with my aunt, from before she died... This is all I have of her house and I now keep it next to my samples from Loch Ness and the Atlantic Ocean.
Emily WingNew York, NY

Thanks for sharing the project website, Bet, it's kept me occupied for far too long =)

1 comment:

Kim Adamson said...

It's funny how little material things make us feel such a connection with our past experiences. Very cool.