Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Restoring a Community

With all the buzz about things, found this today on 9news:

Park Hill Methodist

What was required?

1.) People who saw a need for it.
2.) People committed to working through their differences to form on united body.
3.) People committed to work with those who disagreed with them.

Is restoration of our community something that needs everyone on board?
Is everyone on board?

What do you think?


Kim Adamson said...

Interesting story.

I do think you need people on board on both sides. I am trying to imagine what a step forward would look like - a hispanic/caucasian blended service? I went to a church here in Greeley a little while ago that shared a building(but not a service) with a spanish-speaking congregation, and it seemed to be a good thing overall. I was nothing but impressed with the friendliness of the people from the other church.

One thing that I think is difficult - we certainly do have a kind of segregation here in Greeley - but I don't know that it is recognized as such by either side. Should we try to raise awareness of this, and should we try to act against it?

Maybe one small step would be to go to more businesses that are owned by Hispanics - and I don't mean Cazadores or Albertos. I have a few places in mind.

The only problem with that - I definitely don't want it to come across like a move to "take over" a place. Maybe that's just me being overly worried, but I think even well-intentioned attempts can be misinterpreted.

Heather said...

hey...don't mock multi cultural experience at Cazadores :) (I just realised I haven't seen my favourite waiter in all of Greeley for a very long time!)

I think you bring up a good point with the patronising of businesses...it's a good individual step. Anything face to face with regularity is going to help you know people a little better.

As for this: we certainly do have a kind of segregation here in Greeley - but I don't know that it is recognized as such by either side.

I would say you've hit the nail on the head. I think both communities don't really see it as such at all. There are some who recognise it (Dr Cordova rails against the charter schools all the time for not having hispanic kids) In this situation, both sides have come out and said that they think he's full of bunk.

All that said...conservativism about race relations in greeley is definitely not a one sided issue.