Monday, February 11, 2008

Restoration Photos

Ryan and I went photographing on Saturday, and I think we were both surprised at what there was to be found in downtown Greeley.
Taking those pictures was a kind of profound experience, especially in the context of restoration.

I think that we should continue doing this - if you have an interest in photography, set aside a few hours to get together with a photographically-inclined friend and take some pictures while you wander around.
Finding the beautiful details in a place that is often overlooked is a kind of restoration, and a small but significant way to give something back to this town we inhabit.

Click the links below to check out a few of the images. Eventually, it would be great to get one conglomerated bunch of all our pictures. Flickr lets us attach the images to a map, if we want, and I think as we go that could lead to an amazing visualization of this place.

Gallery 1
Gallery 2


Betony said...

So beautiful!!! Please include me in the next outing!

Betony said...

What lense/effect are you using to get the fisheye effect?

Kim Adamson said...

i'm not sure which photos you are thinking of specifically, but i think the widest lenses we had were 18mm kit lenses. ryan had a few, i just had the kit lens and my 50mm prime.

Heather said...

Ooh I'm down for a jaunt n pic..Bet...let's do it!

Brianne said...

beautiful! look at those bright blue colorado skies.