Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Publican and the Pharisee

In the Orthodox tradition, this last Sunday was the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. IN these days leading up to their Great Lent (which begins on March 10 this year) the ecclesia (priest who runs the service) appoints this parable to be read, as a way for preparing for this time of repentance.

We all know the story....2 men went up to the temple to pray, one a pharisee the other a tax collector. The pharisee begins his prayer by giving thanks.....but for the arrogant reason that he feel better then other men. "I thank thee Lord that I am not like this Tax Collector...." The publican on the other hand could only beat his breast saying, "God be merciful to me a sinner."Christ gives us the warning that the way of the pharisee, no matter how righteous he may have lived, was the way to hell.....because he looked down on his neighbor. He gives us the example of the tax collector as a the way to heaven. The tax collector was NOT a righteous man....but he was REPENTANT. He could not see his neighbors short-comings as his own sins were so evident to him.

Who do YOU look down on? Who is YOUR Samaritan or tax collector?


Kim Adamson said...

More than I care to admit, I am the pharisee, saying "I thank thee lord that I am no longer a hypocritical Evangelical". The irony burns.

The other times I'm usually looking down on myself for my various inadequacies.

Only by grace do I stop thinking of myself in terms of comparison to others.

It's difficult for me to stay in a place that isn't pride or self-loathing.

Heather said...

"It's difficult for me to stay in a place that isn't pride or self-loathing."

Atleast you recognise it. Aaron, this blog was a great idea. You have a lot of great ideas. I appreciate that God Piece in you :)


Heather said...

People I catch myself looking down on:

-People who I have unresolved conflict with
-People I have a hard time understanding where they're coming from. (Ok ok that's a wordy way of saying...conservatives and extreme liberals. Both religiously and politically.)
-People who condescend (which means I'm probably condescending at times)

Kyrie Eleison