Monday, February 18, 2008

The Homework

To kind of follow Brianne's post we delve further into the high school brain; what is in our past that preaches restoration?

Beats me.

I feel very "high-schooler" anyways around you older folks; you have all traversed the path that is college and all that while we haven't even for sure pinned down our final destination(where is Ben Veilleux University?).

But while I have your attention, let me jump into what Restoration means to me, one instance of restoration to post on the blog.

The Junior Year

My junior year followed an amazing experience at The Rotary Youth Leadership Academy(RYLA) I attended the summer prior. It enhanced my life for the Ben Veilleux at the time(looking back I think it may have hindered me). Anyways I went into Frontier Academy as an 11th grader scared of everyone; everyone at RYLA was so nice and I knew that Frontier folks wouldn't be as friendly all the time.

I also had scheduled 4 AP classes that year.

My stress was heavy and my passion for everything was compromised. I fought with my band director over everything, and tried to coerse my friends into hanging out with me because I thought they didn't want to.

To put it short, I was an insecure young fella.

It was at this point that I started attending Atlas, as prompted by our dearly beloved Timothy Thane. He really took me under his wing, and from there began the never-ending quest towards restoration.

Tim catalyzed my growth as he likes to put it; he helped me realize how to be a grown man. I had girl problems; Tim told me that this girl wasn't right for me. I whined about everything; Tim told me to "man up."

I also give part of my restoration credit to EMDR(boy have acronyms saved my life?). EMDR is a form of counseling that my mom had me do to help with divorce trauma in my early childhood. While its methods seem sketchy, it is a way of desensitizing your emotions to certain events(like marital fighting, fighting in general).

At first it didn't really seem to take hold, but looking back it restored me. EMDR helped me realize that arguments come with love, and that trying to avoid them not only makes you unhealthy but also makes you weak.

So I guess that's my story of Restoration, hope y'all liked it.
See you guys Wed.
Love you all,



Heather said...

What a great story, thanks for sharing Ben :)

(Let me know what kind of financial aid I qualify for at BVU...because it sounds like a cool place.)

Kim Adamson said...

I have found more restoration in dealing with my parent's divorce than I ever thought I needed.
I didn't even realize how much it had impacted me until Kim and I started going to marriage counseling.
It is a beautiful, beautiful thing to experience restoration, when it really happens. And while I can't say that I'm happy when I look back on the dark and cold places, they do serve to make redemption that much more significant.
