Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When it comes to spirituality in nature

Heather's nature metaphor got me thinking (because I think about these things a lot) about something cool I recently read on a science website.

For a photon (a particle of light) neither time or space exist. It moves at the speed of light, and Einstein's relativity theory says that when you move at the speed of light time is essentially frozen. So, if there were to be a little person riding in the photon, from their point of view it would take literally no time at all to travel from place to place. He would move from one end of the universe to the other without experiencing even a single second, or any sense of distance. You would be everywhere and nowhere, forever and never. Existence is 0 dimensional for a photon.

It is interesting to me as a metaphor for God because we have such a difficult time understanding things like being omnipresent or eternal, and good analogies for those things are hard to find. But it does seem to me that somehow this little fact about light perfectly explains how time and distance are totally different things from a divine perspective.

the people living in darkness
have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow of death
a light has dawned

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