Monday, March 10, 2008

Bullfrogs N Butterflies

So...that's an old song from my childhood: Bullfrogs and Butterflies have both been born again...yeah, don't ask. Atleast I didn't have to listen to that annoying Charity Churchmouse :X

This morning I was listening to Morning Edition and they covered this story.

When caterpillars go into their chrysalis to become buterflies/moths, their entire body basically becomes mush (I believe the lady used "minestrone" to describe it) and then reforms as the new insect. After always associating butterflies with rebirth/new life in God through Christ, this kind of made me think...they become completely new...and yet.....

Research suggests that even though their brains get gooified with the rest of their bodies, they can still "remember" (bug style) things from their caterpillar days. our mind still remembers (in its human style) that old lifestyle it used to lead. And even more interesting: they tested this by applying negative receptors: shocks, poison-type gas. How much of our brain remembers old things which were negative which are now gone because of what Christ did for us?


Kim Adamson said...

That is really fascinating. Seems like a good basis for a sci-fi novel, somehow.

Nature never ceases to amaze.

Heather said...

Well...that's what put the "sci" in "Sci Fi" :)

It is pretty amazing. I might be a little over emo right now due to losing one hour of sleep, but I got all teary eyed on my drive to work today.
