Thursday, June 5, 2008

Things I Ponder

"Everything I do turns into a disaster." ~Charlie Brown

There's something about Chuck Brown that makes me see a little piece of myself.

There's something about Chuck Brown that is part of the entire world.

We've been working on this project for just under 6 months now. It's stretched us, grown us, frustrated us, brought a new group of friends together that probably wouldn't have formed on its own. What an amazing microcosm of Christ's Church.

The work of restoration, of helping Jesus make things new, is a constant, trying process. It started when He came to earth as a little baby, and won't end until He comes back and wipes the earth's slate clean for one last time.

Sitting in practise last night, I looked at everyone there and realised that this night is amazing and powerful for the reason that it took labor, tears, sweat, lots of phone calls, amazing people willing to set aside time. Isn't this how restoration looks in life? We all break ourselves a little, do the work, get dirty, be willing to say what's said, taking something on ourselves to get done not relying on one person to do it, let go of the idea that I am the only person who can do it and do it right, and encourage those who fall along the side of the road.

Remember that cliff in the Sigur Ros video? This small bit we're doing for Sunday night...perhaps it will lead someone, or a group of someones, to jump.

Each of you are beautiful eagles. And perhaps on Sunday, you will remember you can fly.

May God's grace sneak up on you.


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