Monday, June 2, 2008

Guerilla Gardening

LA Times just did an article on guerilla gardening - there's some folks that do some really amazing stuff on random unused and untended pieces of land. People do flowers, vegetables, fruit, pretty much whatever will grow in a given area.

I'm trying to think of places that would be cool to do this in Greeley, and also of plants that might do well. It's important to use plants that will thrive, and that also won't over grow and mess up other local plant life.

Do we have any gardeners in our midst? I don't know much about doing this stuff, but I would love to help someone who does.

Here's one of the coolest examples:

If you want to check it out:

Original Blog Post

LA Times Article


Anonymous said...

Uhh yes. I actually already have a plan and everything. We were going to guerilla garden one of the two weedy nasty plots next to atlas. But then the move happened, and I have not done anything else with the idea. However, if you are up, we should resume the evil planning...

Kim Adamson said...

Heck yes. I don't remember how much land is available around the new place, but that is the obvious first choice now.

Is this a good time of year to start? We could even plant some ivy(I think that's the climbing stuff) - it would be so cool to have plants growing all over the building - but maybe that would be AFTER the building is painted/renovated.

I also like the idea of working on a really central, and really ugly place with a lot of pedestrian traffic. And we have to do it at night and wear all black. And t-shirt ninja hoods.

Here's a link to a pic of the Mercury cafe that we talked about. Similar sort of brick building, with some cool painting and vegetation:
It's also an amazing place in general. There's a smattering of pics if you google image it.