Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Restoration Cont'd...

On Sunday night, Heather and I were talking about the pro-life demonstrators that come to UNC every year, and we had discussed our feelings about it, and it came up, that while they are protesting, they didn't make a big point to show the alternatives.

I don't bring up this story to bring up an incredibly polar issue, but rather to say that we, as the 'Restoartion Project,' a group of people who believe that God is bringing heaven and earth together, should not allow ourselves to suffer the same fate, and we should include, somewhere in our program, maybe in the journals, some spring board of ways to get involved.

Certainly we're drawing attention to the kind of work that God is doing, but perhaps we could give people something tangible that they can grab on to and get involved in the transformation of our world.

I'm pretty sure, that we did something like that when we did the 'Revolution' series, and I think that that would be a good addition to our evening, in whatever capacity it eventually manifests itself...

Just throwing it out...maybe it's not a good idea, maybe we've talked about it before, and I just forgot, if that's the case, please don't tell me, on account of I don't want to feel foolish.


Would anyone be interested in going to Habitat for Humanity on Saturday?

1 comment:

Kim Adamson said...

I'm not sure exactly what you are picturing - but the idea of making a habitat for humanity pitch at the end of restoration gives me a weird vibe.

If there is any involvement I would like to see recommended(suggested? endorsed?) it would be to branch out artistically in worship - encouraging different acts of art as a form of restoration for us personally and in the community of Greeeley. Like photography outings, the whole guerilla art idea, drum circles off the top of my head. But that absolutely shouldn't exclude things like supporting artists, charities, and whatever with time and money.

That's my take, but - the greater question I see raised by your post - is there something specific or a kind of action we are trying to promote with restoration, and what does that look like, how should we pursue it, etc etc?