Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Plan for April 16th

Just in case you missed email and check this more religiously:

Here's what will be doing Wednesday at THE BEETLE:
*Plussing (40 minutes)- it's going through the plan and coming up with ideas to make it better. Please read the plan below before Wednesday to get a feel for it.

*Breaking up into groups to talk about how we're going to do the evening (90 minutes) ---Music (Ryan, Justin, Eric R., Tim) ---Visuals/ Atmosphere (Bet Brianne, Kim, Justin) ---Graphics/ Journal (Melissa, Bet, Heather) ---Tech (Aaron- who else could work with Aaron for tech??)

Remember, again, it's at THE BEETLE at 6 pm. Please don't be late!!

And no dinner, so grab something before you come!

1 comment:

Kim Adamson said...

No worries... I'll just like bring a game boy... and sit in the corner... the tech category should be solitary and antisocial, right? jk ;)

Really, though, I think most of the tech stuff will be done by me - if powerpoint and sound people need to be involved at this level that could work, but I'm guessing it will be more handled on the rehearsal evening. If nothing else I'll float around and offer spontaneous and random advice. And I'll wait for others to do the same to my corner. I'll bring the macbook and solicit input from anybody who wants to give it.