Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I've always liked this idea...

In some cultures, plates are broken to celebrate. (i.e....the greek folk regularly maim fine plates)

In some families, plates are broken to alleviate stress/frustration/anger. (See the movie tortilla soup, if you're feeling like a chick flick with Hector Elizondo in it...)

Go to the arc, purchase plates, use sharpies to write things of celebration/things of frustration or anger. Release them to God by breaking against a wall. (Suggestion: get a permit for this if we are doing it outside, as the police were called last time I did this with a's very noisy.) Earthenware plates work best for this project, as they have a tendency to break into usable pieces.

Take the pieces and create a mosaic or some other really cool thing with them. (I've seen it done as mosaic, and also as piecing the broken plates together to make new plates.)

Verses: Corinthians' old has gone new has come is usually the reference I use with this project. Sorry I'm not able to look it up immediately.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Colloborative stuff

Random Idea #58

It would be cool to have a project that involves everybody present in actively creating some art.

I'm not great at this kind of thing, but I have seen some cool ideas.

This project, for instance, could only really be described as a boombox symphony. Volunteers get a cd or tape ahead of time, and then, as far as I can tell, they stand around and hit play at an approximate time, and then each tape plays its part and becomes part of this crazy pre-scripted performance.
We could do something like that, or give random people percussion instruments to do stuff with, or maybe have people use cellphone cameras somehow and take pictures and send them somewhere... to do something... details are a bit fuzzy still.
There's that one project where you put up an easel and have people paint on it, with brushes, or paintball guns, and then after it is covered you take a stencil off the top and reveal something awesome (like jesus or america or something) that was underneath the whole time. Obviously the cheese factor could get out of hand with that, it's probably more of a youth group object lesson, but I think the gist of it could be useful.

Bonus idea for 12:37 in the morning: hand out baseball bats and beat something into a sculptured manifestation of the group's collective rage.

Thundercats are go

I don't know about everybody else, but I find it amazingly better for my creativity if I can get some stuff out of my mind and into some kind of tangible form. Also, I think with the ambitions of the project and our mostly different schedules, it will be difficult for some of us to connect often enough to really collaborate creatively. And it's better to get your ideas out there right on the spot a lot of times, rather than waiting till a reasonable hour to contact other people, or even waiting until the every-other-wednesday meeting.
So, whether it ends up getting used much or not at all, I thought it at least would be good to have a place available to jot down collective notes, have ongoing discussion, and keep records of whatever it is we might want to keep records of...

I'll probably post some random weird ideas that I get at unholy hours, and if anyone else wants to have rights to also post some top-level subjects(rather than just comments) then just let me know your account name (I think anyone with gmail is automagically good to go, and accounts are free besides) and I'll set it up for you.