Monday, May 19, 2008

to blog or not to blog?

The purpose of this blog is to talk restoration, and while the writer of this particular post acknowledges that, he does have one item of business that he wishes to discuss, that may or may not be relevant to restoration, but is perhaps relevant to the individuals who contribute to this blog.

That question is...

I am going to be gone in Chattanooga, Tennessee (a brief aside: Maybe it's just me, but I really enjoy typing words with double letters in them. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does it generally serves as a break from the monotony of all the other typing. That said I haven't typed "Chattanooga, Tennessee" very many times, but the length of the words and the frequency of the double letters is beginning to take its toll on me and the fun of double letter word typing is beginning to lose its nuance) this summer and I want to keep in touch with folks, especially folks in the Atlas community, and while technology has never been my gifting, I am considering creating a blog to record and relate the epic adventures that undoubtedly await me this summer. And so the question is, is this of interest to anyone? Would you guys be up for stoppin' by my blog, and reading/commenting and the like?


Band Question

My question is this:

Is the band rehearsing Wednesday night, and if so when?

Give me a call

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Amazing stop-motion art

I've encountered this video once or twice, and when it came up in a blog again today I thought I would share - it's a little trippy, and I don't have any interpretive theories put together just yet (add some in the comments!), but if nothing else it is great for the sheer scope of the project. I can't imagine how long it must've taken.

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Also, I was listening to Pandora, and Knocked Up by Kings of Leon was playing, and it matched the video beautifully. Fun coincidence.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

discouragement is the name of the game

why is the beetle's landlord being such a douchebag?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Stubby Toed Shoes

My friend Makeesha who blogs here posted this poem/pic today. Thought I would share.

She stands on the edge
the stubby toes of her sneakers touching the horizon
the great beyond reaches into her soul
pulling into the abyss
while she, working hard to be strong,
pulls backarms flailing, reaching for balance
heels digging in
stubby toed shoes creeping forward over the edge
the great beyond calling
fingers stuck in ears, trying not to hear
fearing to let go
fearing to remain
but a girl cannot be separated from her soul
so over the edge she goes
stubby toed shoes and all