Tuesday, April 22, 2008

In my last post, all I was trying to say, and from reading it again, I don't think it was very clear, is that we should compile a list of groups/organizations that are working to bring healing and restoration in our world.

It's one thing to talk about restoration, but what if in addition to our evening, we could empower people to go and help folks. That is all.

We could encourage people to get involved with various organizations, or be creative and find a new way to help folks.

Surely all of this wouldn't be explicitly in our evening, but would be in the program, or in the journal, the 'Restoration Project' is a lot of things, but it's not an info-mercial. That's all I'm trying to say.

My pitch for Habitat, has nothing to do with the 'Restoration Project,' I just thought some of you guys might be intersted.

Restoration Cont'd...

On Sunday night, Heather and I were talking about the pro-life demonstrators that come to UNC every year, and we had discussed our feelings about it, and it came up, that while they are protesting, they didn't make a big point to show the alternatives.

I don't bring up this story to bring up an incredibly polar issue, but rather to say that we, as the 'Restoartion Project,' a group of people who believe that God is bringing heaven and earth together, should not allow ourselves to suffer the same fate, and we should include, somewhere in our program, maybe in the journals, some spring board of ways to get involved.

Certainly we're drawing attention to the kind of work that God is doing, but perhaps we could give people something tangible that they can grab on to and get involved in the transformation of our world.

I'm pretty sure, that we did something like that when we did the 'Revolution' series, and I think that that would be a good addition to our evening, in whatever capacity it eventually manifests itself...

Just throwing it out...maybe it's not a good idea, maybe we've talked about it before, and I just forgot, if that's the case, please don't tell me, on account of I don't want to feel foolish.


Would anyone be interested in going to Habitat for Humanity on Saturday?

Monday, April 21, 2008

St. Augustine...Florida?

"When a cure takes place, they [evils] are not transferred elsewhere but, since they are no longer present in the state of health, they no longer exist at all." -St. Augustine

I don't know if this quote will fit in any way, but in light of what Jeff talked about on Sunday, I think this quote is talking about what will be in the new age, when everything has been transformed, and everything that's broken, wicked and evil will not exist.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hey kids... for those of you who were at Atlas tonight you heard my little shpeel... but for those who weren't, umm this is a t-shirt design I made in a class and now I'm making and selling the shirts to raise money for International Justice Mission (check them out here).

If you're interested let me know. Woot.

Oh, and it's not in this image for some reason... but below and to the right of the tree roots it says "held."

Friday, April 18, 2008

Some image ideas

I'm trying to dig around for some ideas along the lines of a logo-thing to use for the stencil and restoration project in general.

I like the imagery of eggs, plants, trees, leaves, doves, feathers, wings, water drops... the recycle logo is cool too in the symmetry of it and everything.

I've looked at deviantart.com and had a fair amount of luck just finding related pictures, you might try flickr and google image search too.

Here's some of my finds - if anybody has any drawings to put up, that would be great too - not personally my strongsuit.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Young at Heart Chorus

The 'old-folks' chorus I was I was talking about at our meeting tonight is called the Young at Heart Chorus (www.youngatheartchorus.com).

From what I gather, they're a group who started in 1982 in an elderly housing project, and they just started combining their talents to put on an evening of entertainment for folks. Some of their memebers have lived and performed into their 90's.

Here are a couple of youtube links to see their version of 'Fix You' by Coldplay, the first one is longer, and provides a bit of the story of the man singing it, while the other one is shorter, but a better video...

Here you go...




Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Plan for April 16th

Just in case you missed email and check this more religiously:

Here's what will be doing Wednesday at THE BEETLE:
*Plussing (40 minutes)- it's going through the plan and coming up with ideas to make it better. Please read the plan below before Wednesday to get a feel for it.

*Breaking up into groups to talk about how we're going to do the evening (90 minutes) ---Music (Ryan, Justin, Eric R., Tim) ---Visuals/ Atmosphere (Bet Brianne, Kim, Justin) ---Graphics/ Journal (Melissa, Bet, Heather) ---Tech (Aaron- who else could work with Aaron for tech??)

Remember, again, it's at THE BEETLE at 6 pm. Please don't be late!!

And no dinner, so grab something before you come!

Looks like we made it!!!


Monday, April 14, 2008


are we meeting this wednesday?

Friday, April 11, 2008

separating the men from the boys...

my schedule for tomorrow:

noon - 2: wake up, shower, pack up drum stuff, go to margies and relax.

2 - 3: load stuff in car, drive to ft. collins, set up for what about pluto? rehearsal.

3 - 430: rehearse, tear down, load stuff in cars, drive to venue.

5 - 7: load in at everyday joes, soundcheck, set up merch, chill with the locals.

7 730: playing drums for man the moon [filling in for zack].

730-10: chillax with more locals.

10 - 10:45: playing drums for what about pluto? [filling in for nobody].

11ish - 1230ish - tear down, sell merch, schmooze everyday joes people, load stuff in car, drive home.

1ish: party at my friend jeds house!

what a day, friends... what a day.